In this article, I am going to show you how to display entity (category,manufacture) name as a title in AspDotNetStorefront entity page.
To get entity title, need to edit following xml.config file code:
< xsl:template match = "/" > < div > < xsl:value-of select = "<a title=" aspdnsf" href = "" >aspdnsf</ a >:EntityPageHeaderDescription($EntityName, $EntityID)" disable-output-escaping="yes" /> </ div > < xsl:value-of select = "aspdnsf:EntityPageFilterOptions($EntityName, $EntityID, /root/Runtime/SecID, /root/Runtime/CatID, /root/Runtime/ManID, /root/Runtime/ProductTypeFilterID)" disable-output-escaping = "yes" /> |
< xsl:template match = "/" > < div > < h3 class = "heading" > < span > < xsl:value-of select = "aspdnsf:GetMLValue(/root/EntityHelpers/*[name()=/root/Runtime/EntityName]/descendant::Entity[EntityID=/root/Runtime/EntityID]/Name)" disable-output-escaping = "yes" /> </ span > </ h3 > < xsl:value-of select = "aspdnsf:EntityPageHeaderDescription($EntityName, $EntityID)" disable-output-escaping = "yes" /> </ div > < xsl:value-of select = "aspdnsf:EntityPageFilterOptions($EntityName, $EntityID, /root/Runtime/SecID, /root/Runtime/CatID, /root/Runtime/ManID, /root/Runtime/ProductTypeFilterID)" disable-output-escaping = "yes" /> |